On this page you can find information on college for DACA & undocumented students, as well as first generation students. More detailed information and links to resources are at the bottom of the page!

DACA & Undocumented College Students

  • Financial Aid and the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

    No undocumented students, regardless of status, are eligible for federal student aid.

    However, some colleges may have DACA students fill out the FAFSA in order to see how much financial aid they should receive through the college.

    It is important to ask the financial aid office about what the best option is for you.

  • Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

    Colleges may use this number (yours or your parent’s) in order to look into your family’s income to determine the amount of financial aid you receive.

    ITIN information

  • Private Colleges

    Although private colleges are usually more expensive because they are independently owned, they often have less government restrictions which makes it easier for undocumented students to obtain the financial aid they need to make costs lower.

  • Public Colleges

    Tuition is often less expensive than private colleges, however most funding and financial aid comes from the government, which is prohibited to be given to undocumented students.

  • Applying for College

    Communicate with college counselors and ask for help! It is their job.

    They can often advise you about the best way to approach a college application based on your status and give you information about what you need to provide in order to apply.

    This Guide gives information about protection status, things you will need for your application, and a list of scholarships for undocumented and DACA students.

  • Paying for College

    You may have scholarships and financial aid, but still find yourself not being able to cover the rest.

    Taking out loans is always an option to help gain your degree, but be careful of Predatory Lending. The link provided will give you some warning signs to look out for when searching for a loan.

First Generation College Students

  • Who can you go to for help?

    Highschool and college counselors will be your biggest resource for help and guidance.

    It is their job to provide you with the information and tools you need to get to where you need to go.

  • Paying for College

    Since you are a United States citizen, you qualify for in-state tuition, federal financial aid, as well as financial aid from your college.

    Additionally, you will be offered federal loans that you can choose to accept if you need extra help. There are also many scholarships for first generation college students.

    FAFSA information

External Resources